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Connections vs. Relationships

Jun 30, 2024

Connections vs. Relationships

by Vern Schellenger, CEO Contacts Count

Contacts Count mission is to help every individual we work with build the type of relationships that have a major impact on both their professional and personal lives.  We use our 8 competencies to teach the skills, behaviors, tools, and strategies you need to Make Networking an Art not an Accident!  

In today’s world we all have all kinds of connections.  We all have lots of digital connections.  And LinkedIn has created a platform where we can have 100’s or 1000’s of connections.  How many of those connections do you have a trust based mutually beneficial relationship with?  Have you ever looked at a connection and wondered where and how did I meet this person? 

I believe that it is impossible to have a trust-based mutually beneficial relationhip with 500+ people.  When you have developed a trust based mutually beneficial relationship with someone you can:

  • Describe to others the skills and behaviors of that person.
  • Be able to speak to their character, qualities and traits.
  • Describe at least one major accomplishment that the person has achieved.
  • Be aware of the other person’s interests, hobbies, etc.
  • Know something about their family

And the other person knows all of these same things about you.

Developing these types of trust based mutually beneficial relationship takes time and effort.  You need to be in touch on some type of regular basis – at least once every 2-3 months.  Putting the effort into these type of relationships creates an open network of diverse individuals.  An open network being the #1 predictor of career success.

And what is the impact of all of that time and effort?  Each of you is able to give back to each other in so many different ways.

From something as simple as recommending a great restaurant, sending an article, introducing each other to people in your network, helping you learn something the other person knows a lot about, helping each other solve problems, to alerting to you a new opportunity that advances your career or referring a new client or customer.  And the list goes on....


Thoughts, comments, [email protected]


        About the Author

                                                              Vern Schellenger, President and CEO of Contact Count.

Contacts Count is the premier coaching and training organizationdedicated to helping you use the power of human connection to transform your career, business, and life.

Vern is dedicated to empowering professionals and entrepreneurs with the strategies, skills and tools to master networking (even if they are introverted and don’t like networking events). His vast experience includes such roles as HR VP and CLO at Dunkin Donuts, VP & Director of Professional Services at Lee Hecht Harrison, and SR VP of Human Resources at American Bankers Association.

Discover tweaks you can make to your networking approach that will help you dramatically improve your skills and reduce the time it’ll take to find that person who has the power to hire you!